Temple of Apollo in Rome

Updated on June 19th 2023

Rome Glorious Rome


Today for many visitors to Rome, the loud, chaotic thump of a very busy city is off-putting if not terrifying. Many first-time visitors to the "Eternal City" upon arriving quickly seek out the comfort, protection and privacy of their hotel rooms.

There are others like myself who marvel at her energy and the poetry of her chaos and the patience and “live and let live” attitude of the residents in this bustling, and ancient city.

And then there is her history and her glorious art and in that no other city in the world can compare. So much has been written about her magnificent and infamous past you could spend several lifetimes catching up on her history but you would only be scratching the surface. If you’re not convinced by my words perhaps the astute and wildly intelligent Mark Twain might sway you to give Rome a chance when he wrote, “From the dome of St. Peter’s one can see every notable object in Rome. He can see a panorama that is varied, extensive, beautiful to the eye, and more illustrious in history than any other in Europe.”

  • But these days I agree with a man who was born in Arezzo, not Rome, in 1304 and wrote in a very direct manner, “A fool is one who admires other cities without visiting Rome.” And Francesco Petrarca was no fool.

Perfect Traveller and I will help you enjoy a visit to Rome be it within the city itself or from the comfort of your living room. Peeling back its countless layers and revealing many of its lesser known secrets will help you discover how complex and varied her past is in a city that has been a leading actor in history for more than two and half thousand years.

Laocoon and his Sons, Vatican Museums
Glorious Rome

Vatican City

Città del Vaticano 00120 Vatican City


When browsing the net to get information on a location in Rome, including and most importantly booking tickets in advance to places like the Vatican Museums, avoid the “middle-man” (there are many of those and they charge outrageous booking fees)! The official Vatican Museum website is the best way to book tickets to these amazing museums. And visit as late in the afternoon as possible and not early in the morning, to avoid the worst of the crowds.

About Peter Kilby

Peter Kilby is an artist, writer, story-teller, journalist and avid traveller who lived and worked in Italy from 1987 to 2018. He created Perfect Traveller to bring the world of Italian art and history closer to you and in a way that is entertaining and informative; together with great travel tips. Getting off the beaten track in Italy is always an adventure and he invites you to join him in discovering an Italy that will surprise and amaze you.

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